This is an action plan where you set specific goals for 30 days, 60 days, and 90 days. The plan is useful for cases where you feel you are in a rut and want to create a roadmap for improvement and career growth. We can also use it for a new role in the same organisation or in a different organisation. This can be as a document that acts a blue print of articulated intention for the period.

30 days: Emphasize

You start this plan by attending all orientation programs. This acts as a big resource and you should note down all the information gathered. Getting acquainted with your team, their work patterns and work type. Learning about the organisation, its mission, vision and core values takes place at this stage. Understating systems needed to perform tasks, core responsibilities of your role and the behaviour expectation required to match the organisation’s values. You can make some SMART goals. Emphasis on learning and making smart goals should be your target for the first 30 days.

60 days: Evaluate

This is the point you evaluate all the information you have gathered during the orientation period. One can contribute to new project and begin leading process without guidance. Familiarise with new job process and start performing tasks with less supervision. You can now speak up in meetings contributing to team objectives and creation measurable out puts that add value. Get to know team dynamics while identify projects that can be scaled within scale. This way you will know which team members to collaborate with for success. Honing your presentation skills is important at this stage since you will need to sell some ideas or projects you have identified.

90 days: Initiate

Start taking initiative and being proactive. This is where your analytical skills come in. Show your capabilities of analysing problems before they occur and provide solutions. Identify projects or areas of improvement that you can tackle, set goals and timelines for working on the projects. Meet with the team and present output of the project and use new software to build metrics dashboard. During this phase, execute all the goals set out in the 90 day plan.


  • You should document all your plans and progress in every phase.
  • Any target set with your superiors should be broken down and added to the action plan in phase.
  • All goals should be specific, measurable, actionable, realistic and time bound. (SMART).
  • At the end of each phase, to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses you have and identifying the threat and opportunities. This gives you the opportunity to rethink some goals and find more efficient ways to achieve them.
  • Have teachable and learning attitude during 90 days period.